Vitamins and microelements that affect the state of the male reproductive system

vitamins for potency

Comprehensive analysis to determine the content in the body vitamins (A, C, B9, B12) and trace elements (Se, Zn, Mn, Ni, Cr, Fe, Co), carried out with the aim of evaluating their balance and bringing it, if necessary, to the recommended value.

Male reproductive systemrepresented by a set of organs that perform reproductive functions and provide the possibility of sexual reproduction. Being in close contact with other systems and organs, the male reproductive system is essential for the full and uninterrupted functioning of the entire body. The normal functioning of the reproductive system is only possible with the influence of certain beneficial vitamins and micronutrients on it.

For the proper and harmonious functioning of the male reproductive system, a certain set of the most important microelements and vitamins is needed. Not only a deficiency, but also an excess of nutrients has a negative effect on the activity of the reproductive system. Moreover, in the second case, the effects of vitamins and microelements are similar to the effects of toxic substances.

The importance of microelements for the condition of the male reproductive system

  1. Selenium. It is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals, which have a negative effect on the sperm production process. Trace elements protect sperm from damage and destruction, have a beneficial effect on sperm quality, ensure normal spermatogenesis and increase the amount of ejaculation. Selenium also extends reproductive life, increases libido, and helps normalize blood circulation in the male genitalia.
  2. Manganese. Manganese affects sperm activity and is required for egg fertilization. Microelements take part in the metabolic processes of the body and in the production of hemoglobin. It ensures better absorption of vitamins, including vitamin C and vitamin B, which are important for the male reproductive system.
  3. Nickel and chromium. The concentration of this microelement in the body is very low, but without it, the normal functioning of the male reproductive system is impossible. Nickel and chromium are involved in the formation of sperm, it is necessary to maintain the structure of DNA and RNA and provide their protection from adverse effects, which is the key to the preservation of genetic information and its transmission.
  4. Zinc. Participates in the synthesis process of male sex hormones, improves sperm quality characteristics, and has a beneficial effect on sperm motility. Prevents erectile dysfunction and prevents the development of inflammation in the prostate.
  5. iron. The main purpose of microelements is associated with their inclusion in the composition of red blood cells and hemoglobin. Iron is needed to supply oxygen to all organs and tissues, including the cells of the reproductive system.
  6. Cobalt.It is an important component in DNA synthesis, participates in the process of hematopoiesis, and increases the absorption of iron.

The importance of vitamins for the condition of the male reproductive system  

  1. Vitamin A. Ensures the normal course of testosterone synthesis, helps maintain potency, and has a beneficial effect on the production of seminal fluid. Vitamin A, thanks to its inherent antioxidant effect, ensures the regeneration of the cells of the male reproductive system, reliably protecting them from the effects of toxic components and the development of inflammatory processes.
  2. Vitamin Cparticipates in the process of testosterone production, has a good effect on the synthesis of dopamine, on which libido depends. It improves blood circulation, increases the level of elasticity of blood vessel walls, and therefore acts as an effective way to prevent prostatitis.
  3. Vitamin B9. Has a positive effect on male reproductive abilities. Vitamins are necessary for potency, participate in the process of sperm production, improve the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of seminal fluid, and help reduce the number of sperm with genetic mutations. Reduces the possibility of developing male infertility and the birth of a baby with severe genetic pathology.
  4. Vitamin B12. It is an indispensable participant in the process of hematopoiesis. Increase the quality and quantity of ejaculation, increase sexual desire. Essential for healthy DNA formation. Vitamin B12 acts as an effective drug for the prevention and treatment of erectile dysfunction or impotence.

When is the test for vitamins and microelements prescribed?

A comprehensive analysis of the main microelements and vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the male reproductive systemset:

  • when planning a pregnancy;
  • when conducting a preventive examination of a man;
  • if the patient has complaints about the function of the reproductive system, including male infertility, the etiology of which has not been established;
  • examination of men who have a high probability of microcomponent and vitamin deficiency (subject to a vegan diet, the presence of concomitant diseases and bad habits, when diagnosing pathologies that occur with blood loss.

Suggestions for preparing for the study

Venous blood is used as biological material for testing. The recommended time to take the test is in the morning, from 8 to 11 am. Blood sampling should be done on an empty stomach on the day of the procedure, it is forbidden, along with eating, to drink any drink, except ordinary drinking water.  

For the reliability of the study resultsStrict adherence to several recommendations is required:

  • on the day before the test, the diet should be free of fried and fatty foods, because if fat particles penetrate the bloodstream, the blood will become unsuitable for diagnostic purposes;
  • the day before blood sampling, it is necessary to exclude high physical activity. Heavy physical work, sports, and various sports exercises are strictly prohibited. It is important to avoid emotional shocks, both negative and positive;
  • One hour before collecting biological material, you should not smoke.

It is also worth considering that the doctor must be informed about all medications taken before the test begins. The specialist must decide whether it is possible to continue the therapy or whether it is necessary to postpone it temporarily.

If the patient undergoes an instrumental examination, such as an X-ray examination, fluorography, as well as after undergoing surgical intervention, having a massage session or a physiotherapeutic procedure, it is recommended to donate blood to determine the concentration of vitamins and microelements no earlier than after one week.

Research methods

Blood tests aimed at determining vitamins and microelements that affect the function of the male reproductive system are performed in two stages. In the first stage, carried out by liquid chromatography, the components of the seized biological material sample are separated. In the second stage, called mass spectrometry, the resulting components are analyzed, which is based on the measurement of molecular mass and charge. This makes it possible to establish their elemental composition and determine the quantitative characteristics of nutrients.

What does the result mean?

Test results have a quantitative format. Individual reference values are provided for all micronutrients and vitamins to be studied.  

Decreased performance may be caused by:

  • nutritional deficiency of vitamins and microelements in the body;
  • intestinal pathology, a characteristic manifestation of which is a violation of the process of absorption of nutrients and their assimilation by the male body;
  • smoking;
  • alcoholism.

Performance improvementcaused, in most cases, by excessive consumption of microelements and vitamins.  This is often observed when taking vitamin complexes.